Run the demos

Ultimately, the RekenRobot will become a “plugin” of the pathways-project; running on a PC and/or a raspberryPi. For now, a (standalone) demonstrator is used. Which should run on the raspberryPi. We start with in on the PC however; if it doesn’t run there, running it on the raspberryPi is even harder.

  • Open cmd to work via the commandline
  • Enter the following commands:
> cd ~/pathways-extensions-training/RekenRobot/Src/DisplayLezen/Demo          # naviagate to the right directory
> python

on a raspberryPi

After proper installation of the tools and RekenRobot scripts on the Raspberry, a demo (DisplayLezen) can be run as following.

  • Open VNC to work from the Raspberry pi
  • Open the terminal, enter the following commands:
$ source ~/.profile          # always update file for virtual environment when opening terminal
$ workon rr                  # always work in the virtual environment when running a script on the raspberryPi
$ cd ~/pathways-extensions-training/RekenRobot/Src/DisplayLezen/Demo         # naviagate to the right directory
$ python 'namefile'.py       # run the script of the demo