
An editor is a software tool used to edit certain types files. For example, if you would want to edit a python file you would need an editor to do so. Two editors will be described in this section: a python editors and an all-round editor.


Eclipse is a code-development tool. It can be used for languages like Java or C. Eclipse can be downloaded from: https://www.eclipse.org/downloads/

Java is required in order to install Eclipse. If it isn’t installed, Eclipse will open up a browser tab and prompt you to do so. Please note that you must install the 64-bit JDK in order for it to work.

Eclipse by default does not allow you to work on Python files. This must be done via a plugin which can be installed from the Eclipse marketplace. Go to: Help > elcipse Marketplace.

Here you can search for pydev. Only one plugin should be returned. Select this one and follow the installer in Eclipse. After this you will be able to edit python files in Eclipse.

To Import the project into eclipse go to: File > Open projects from file system

After this, search for the Rekenrobot project and it will be imported.


Notepad++ is an allround editor which can be used to edit a lot of different types of files, such as Python files. Python editors however are a lot more effecient to edit Python files with, so Notepad++ isn’t used for that. Instead, it is mostly used to edit RST files.

To install Notepad++ go to the following Link: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/

After downloading and going through the installer you’ll be ready to use it. When you right click on a file and select ‘edit with notepad++’, you’ll be able to edit the file.

Other editors

The two editors described above are examples of editors you could use to work on the project. However, there are more different possibilities. For example, Pycharm is a different Python that could also be used.

Keep in mind however when choosing different editors how this could affect the team’s progress and the sprint planning.